2021年8月25日雅思小作文真题范文 图表题

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??2021 年 8 月 25 日场的雅思小作文现已结束,本期雅思小作文回归图表题,标题有关 oil production of African countries. 动态图表题的小作文需要留心数据改变趋势及文章时态疑问,全体难度一般,请看本期小作文真题范文及解析。




daily production overall perspective

output capacity

drastic sevenfold

profoundly disparate oil yield



This table provides information about the daily production of petroleum measured in barrels in four African nations from 2000 to 2004.

这张表供给了从 2000 年到 2004 年四个非洲国家的石油日产量的信息。

From an overall perspective, it is obvious that the oil output in these countries was on a rise throughout the period except that of Congo Republic, among which Nigeria had
2021年8月25日雅思小作文真题范文 图表题插图

the largest capacity in this aspect.


2 million barrels of oil were produced each day in Nigeria in 2000, despite a small decrease of 0.2 million in production found in 2002, the figure for increased steadily by 0.1 million each years in other four years, reaching to 2.3 million barrels finally. At the same time, a more drastic rising trend could be seen in oil
2021年8月25日雅思小作文真题范文 图表题插图

production in Cote. It climbed almost sevenfold from 8000 in 2000 to 55000 barrels in 2004.

2000 年,尼日利亚每天然生成产 200 万桶石油,尽管 2002 年的产量削减了 20 万桶,而在其他 4 年里,这一数字稳步增加了 10 万桶,究竟抵达 230 万桶。与此一起,在科特的石油出产中,可以看到一个更为剧烈的上升趋势。它从 2000 年的 8000 添加到 2004 年的 55000 桶,几乎翻了七倍。

On the other hand, the trends for the other two countries are profoundly disparate compared with Nigeria and Cote. In Chad, noticeably there was no oil yield in the first three years while situation changed abruptly, producing 50000 barrels every day in the end. In contrast, Cogon was the only nation with a dropping oil output, from 0.27 to 0.2 million barrels.

另一方面,与尼日利亚和科特比较,其他两个国家的趋势是截然不一样的。在乍得,在头三年里显着没有石油产量,而局势俄然发生改变,究竟每天然生成产 50000 桶石油。比较之下,Cogon 是仅有一个石油产量降低的国家,从 0.27 到 20 万桶。

范文自创自小站教师 Jeff. Lei

字数 196 words

以上就是 2021 年 8 月 25 日场雅思小作文范文及真题解析。更多雅思小作文真题范文,请持续重视小站雅思频道。

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