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neilhello 韩语口语速成班 and welcome to authentic real english – i’m neil and this is feifei. feifei?
feifei!feifeioh, sorry, neil! 我昨日晚上睡得特别晚,今日 “dead tired”!neilyou’re dead tired, feifei? are you dying? that’s awful! what have you got? is it contagious?feifeioh, neil, don’t be silly! i’m not sick or contagious or dying! i’m just really tired!neilthat’s a relief! but, you said you were ‘dead’ tired. but you’re not 韩语口语速成班 dying?feifeioh, really, neil? i think you’re more tired than i am! i said ‘dead’ tired because i’m really tired.neilso we can use ‘dead’ to mean ‘really’ or ‘very’?feifeithat’s right. 在英式口语里,咱们可以用 “dead” 来加强一个描述词的口气。比方:我方才说的 “dead tired”,这儿用 “dead” 加强 “tired” 的口气,所表达的意思就是 “特别累”。neilwell, that’s dead confusing – perhaps we should take a look at some examples.examplesis it lunchtime yet? i’m dead hungry!
the man sat next to me on the 韩语口语速成班 train this morning kept falling asleep on my shoulder – it was dead annoying!i was dead happy when i passed my driving test!feifei这儿是 bbc 英语教育的《地道英语》节目。在这集节目里,咱们给我们说明 “dead” 这个词一个不为人知的用法和意思。“dead” 是 “alive” 的反义词,意思是 “去世的,去世的”。但在英式口语中,特别是英格兰北部的人,会常常把 “dead” 用在
描述词前,加强口气,偏重他们的言语。could you tell us a time when you were dead happy, neil?neilwell, when i woke up this morning and found i had another hour until 韩语口语速成班 my alarm went off! i was dead thrilled!feifeinot quite. you were dead happy, but not dead thrilled! you can’t use ‘dead’ with extreme adjectives. 在运用的时分要记住:“dead” 不可以以用在极限描述词前。neiloh, ok, so you can say ‘dead cold’, but not ‘dead freezing’, or ‘dead good’, but not ‘dead fantastic’.feifeithat was a dead good explanation, neil! i see you have woken up a bit now, but i’m still dead tired.neilwell, how about you make us both a coffee 韩语口语速成班 while i finish the programme – it’s your turn to make the coffees!feifeierr, no, neil – i always make the coffee! i’ll go make a coffee for me, not you, while you finish the programme!neiluh-oh. i’d best go and make the coffees then! she’s dead sensitive
when she hasn’t slept enough! well, bye, everyone, and see you next time!

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