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freshman& fresh voice
2022年秋季,我们迎来了高一新生。未来三年,他们将与我们一起,从全新的起点开始,去奔赴一段特别的旅途。作为新同学们的第一个演讲角话题,freshman& fresh voice(新生新声)为同学们提供了一个畅所欲言的舞台,让我们一起来看看新生们的想法吧!

people always say “don’ t try to change the environment, but change yourself.”
人们常说:别试图改变环境,改变你自己!——高一4班 林贞岑

l just want to say, “ladies, we have minds, souls, as well as hearts, and we have got ambition and talent. we are stronger than we thought. we have the power to speak and be heard.
,被聆听!”——高一6班 谭楚君

young generation will not be lazier because of the prosperity of this era,but take advantage of these opportunities to continue and inherit theglory of predecessors and they are the new icons in this era.
青年一代不会因为这个时代的繁荣而更懒惰,而是利用这些机会去传承前辈的光荣事迹,他们是这个时代的新生偶像。——高一10班 钟佳欣

i always cherish a saying “the harder you work, the luckier you willbe.” i believe i will have an unforgettable experience in seniorhigh.

fangxu’ s story tells us that a man can succeed with little talent. his deeds inspired me and i hope you can also be inspired from his story in some way.
方旭的故事告诉我们一个人就算才华不多也能成功。他的行为激励了我,我希望你也能以某种方式从中获得启发。——高一9班 祝海椋

my fellow students, i tell you here, today, cherish the moment and dont waste your time. life is too short and too precious to sit back and do nothing. and we are going to go out in this world and make a difference!
亲爱的同学们,今天我想告诉你们,珍惜此时此刻,不要浪费你的时间,生命太短暂也太宝贵,我们不能虚度光阴, 我们要走出自己的天地!——高一11班 陈蹻宇

chinese young people should vigorously carry forward the spirit of the may 4th movement, aim high and be down-to-earth, striving for the two centenary goals.
年青一代应该继续发扬五四精神,脚踏实地,仰望星空,为实现第二个百年目标奋斗不息。——高一1班 何雨菲

i believe in the three years to come, i can take care of myself
and solve any problem and grow both internally and externally.
我希望未来三年,我可以照顾好自己,解决所有的问题,身心得到成长。——高一2班 田如意

i learned from my new classmates’ self-introduction that they all came to school with their dreams just like me, and everyone had their own goals
我从每个同学的自我介绍中了解到他们和我一样,都带着新的梦想、新的目标来到这个学校。——高一12班 严思辰

higher and higher you chase it. prove yourself and make them remember you.
抗争命运,奋起直追。证明你自己,一战成名。 ——高一5班 胡轩齐

you have to believe in yourself. that is the secret of success.
你需要相信自己,这是成功的关键。——高一5班 张子墨

standing in this new place, with new teachers and new classmates, learning completely new lessons, there is no doubt that we sometimes are nervous, afraid and confused.
新的校园、新的老师、新的同学,学完全新的课程,毫无疑问,我们都有紧张、害怕和困惑的时刻。——高一8班 邱歆懿

we come from different provinces, different cities and different schools. but in the next three years, we
will live together, study together and fight together.
我们来自不同的省份,不同的城市,不同的学校。但是在接下来的三年,我们将一起生活、一起学习、一起奋斗。——高一8班 陈鹤樵

主持人:高一5班 钟智元

freshman & fresh voice (新生新声)为新一届学生们带来了新活力、新风采。希望所有的新同学们能从全新的起点开始,奔赴前方的旅程,收获成长的果实。


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