“收到”的英语是Roger that 仍是Copy that

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This is:放在对方称号之后,用于介绍自个,意思是“某某,我是某某”。如,“Mother Goose, this is Messenger
“收到”的英语是Roger that 仍是Copy that插图
Pigeon, over.”

Come in:You may begin speaking now。意思是“请答复”。如,“Contact C. This is L. Come in.
“收到”的英语是Roger that 仍是Copy that插图(1)

Go ahead/stand by:意思是“收到,请讲”或“收到,等候”,用于回答对方呼叫。如,“Adam, this is Mike, Go Ahead. Over.”

Read:I hear a signal clearly enough to be understood。意思是“收到”。如,“Do you read me? Over.”

Roger:I have received all of the last transmission。意思是“收到”。摩尔斯电码无线电报年代,为节约时刻,创造了缩略语,包括用R标明“received”。到了语音通话年代,这一传统得以保存,但运用了读音字母表,比方“alpha”代表A,“bravo”代表B,而“roger”则代表R。

Copy:意思是“收到”,但不是标准用语。前期无线电操作人员可以需要书写或打字来记载信息,发生这一习气用法。如,“Messenger Pigeon for Mother Goose. Do you copy? Over.”

Over:I have finished talking and I am listening for your reply。它是“Over to you”的简写,因而“over”不是“结束”的意思,而是“该你了”或许“收到请答复”。每说完一句话要用“over”结束,以提示对方答复,直到最结束束通话。如,“Mother Goose, this is Messenger Pigeon. Over.”

Say again:意思是“请重复一遍”,用于没听清对方的情况。

Out/Over and out:I have finished talking to you and do not expect a reply。意思是“本次通话完崩淠在“out”之前加上自个的称号。非正式情况下,也可以用“over and out”。

Loud and
“收到”的英语是Roger that 仍是Copy that插图(2)



例1,C21A(Charlie-two-one Alpha)呼叫C33B(Charlie-three-three Bravo):

C21A: C33B, this is C21A, message, over.

C33B: C33B, send it, over.

C21A: Have you got C1?D Sunray at your location, over?

C33B: Negative, I think he is with C3?C, over.

C21A: Roger, out.


Adam: Mike, this is Adam. Over.

Mike: Adam, this is Mike, Stand By. Over.

Mike: Adam, this is Mike, Go Ahead. Over.

Adam: Mike, there is a fire at 123 Main St. Over.

Mike: Adam, this is Mike, confirming a fire at 123 main St. The fire department will be notified. Over.

Adam: Mike, this is Adam, address is confirmed, thanks for the help. Over and Out.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: