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增强现实(Augmented Reality,简称AR),增强现实技术也被称为扩增现实,AR增强现实技术是促使真实世界信息和虚拟世界信息内容之间综合在一起的较新的技术内容,其将原本在现实世界的空间范围中比较难以进行体验的实体信息在电脑等科学技术的基础上,实施模拟仿真处理,叠加将虚拟信息内容在真实世界中加以有效应用,并且在这一过程中能够被人类感官所感知,从而实现超越现实的感官体验。真实环境和虚拟物体之间重叠之后,能够在同一个画面以及空间中同时存在。


How One Airline Is Using
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AR to Improve Operations


Technologies sometimes take a surprisingly long time to catch on, despite their obvious potential. Augmented Reality (AR) is a case in point. Although we have had the means to support visual information overlays for nearly a decade (think Google Glass), it’s only now that businesses are beginning to figure out how to take full advantage of its capabilities.


Consider how the landscape is changing. Right now, thousands of
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experiments in what might be called augmented operations are now underway at companies all over the world. One of the biggest is taking place at China Southern Airlines, where the team at the company’s technical arm, China Southern Technic, have woven augmented reality,
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artificial intelligence, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and 5G connectivity into a single application that can extend human capacities, enhance safety, and improve performance.


One of the first processes to benefit from CSA’s embrace of the augmented reality is the safety inspection. After every landing of any passenger aircraft anywhere in the world, a maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) engineer must perform a thorough
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aircraft inspection. An inspection on a Boeing 737 typically takes more than 100 steps, and an Airbus 320 takes more than 200 steps. This is a basic but crucial part of airline management, a pressing task that front-line MRO engineers must perform every day, often a number of times.


原文发布时间:5 Apr. 2022


Knowing something of everything and everything of something.







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