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1、Why do you choose this major?(这是教师比照喜爱问的一个疑问,可以提前多看看有关的专业文章,对专业术语晓得理解。假定你是跨专业考得,这个疑问也有可以专业课面试中也会被问,所以中英文我们都需要思考一下。)

2、What would you like to be doin考雅思要多少钱g five years after graduation?(联系作业方案,可以与学长足学姐交流看看他们的观点,联系本身优势,作出答复)

3、Where do you come from?(这个你可以结全家乡特征,做一个简略的答复)

4、What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?(这个疑问可以跟前一个疑问一同预备)

5、Could you tell me something about your family?(这个教师大约是想对你的家庭生长环境晓得一下,究竟逗比的家长家的娃一般也是逗比)

6、What is your major?How do you like your major?(这个疑问教师是想晓得你对你的成都最好的雅思培训专业的酷爱程度,已然选择了这个专业,阐明这个专业在咱们的心里仍是有必定方位的)

7、What kind of differences in t网上英语培训价格多少钱he system of higher education between China and other countries?(这个疑问只需咱们坚决正确的政治方向就可以,可以选一个,也可以两个都选)

8、What difficulties do you think you'll encounter in your studies?(可以说疑问,然后加上经过自个的尽力,能处置)

9、Where have you been traveling to?Which place interested you most?(晓得哪个当地说哪个)

10、Should you study more theory or do more practice?Give your reasons?(这个就恰当于谈论性的标题,你可以选一方面,也可以两方面的优点都说一下)

11、How serious is unemployment among young people and what will you d
o if you can't find a job after graduation?

12、How do you afford your tuition?

good luck to you!


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: