久一英语 6-8月雅思口语题库-Part 2&3-river

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You should say:

how long the river is where the river locates in what it looks like

and explain why it is famous Sample Answer:

Speaking of famous rivers in my country, the Yellow River must be the most famous and most important river that every Chinese knows deeply from a very young age. So, here I would like to share some valuable information associated with the Yellow River with you.

The Yellow River is the second longest river in China, after the Yangtze River, and the fifth longest river system in the world at the estimated length of 5,464 km. Originating in the Bayan Har Mountains in Qinghai province of Western China, it flows through nine provinces, and it empties into the Bohai Sea near the city of Dongying in Shandong province. To simply put, it flows from the west to the east of China, so you can easily imagine how long it is. In general, the shape of the whole river resembles a Chinese character “Ji”, making it rather noticeable and recognizable when you are trying to locate it on the map.

The Yellow River enjoys its fame in China because it is one of several rivers that are essential for China's very existence. Its basin was the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilisation, and it was the most prosperous region in early Chinese history. Many political centres were formed around the Yellow River at early time, and numerous cities started to grow by taking advantage of the Yellow River. All of these make Chinese people now call it “Mother River”, which I think again proves its significance to China and Chinese people.

From ancient China to modern China, you can see considerable poems, songs and writings talking about the Yellow River. In these works, the Yellow River symbolizes courage, perseverance and confidence. Even if you had not a chance to see the Yellow River with your own eyes, you could also feel its grand and magnificent momentum in those works.

Although the Yellow River is responsible for several deadly floods throughout the Chinese history and triggered intense debate on its merits and demerits, it still affects hundreds of millions of people’s lives. In other words, we cannot live without it, which is why we put it at the foremost position in our country.



Part 3

1) Do people in your country like the river?

Sample Answer:

Well, I have to say, Chinese people attach very complicated emotions to the Yellow River. Let me explain. As I said earlier, the basin of Yellow River was the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilization. In other words, if it were not the Yellow River, China would not have developed as it is today. It might be a bit exaggerated, but we Chinese indeed hold deep appreciation to it.

However, despite its significance in the development of China, it was once called China’s Sorrow and the Scourge of the Han People. This is because it caused several deadly floods that turned people’s home into a wasteland. So it’s no wonder that millions of people in the history detested the Yellow River. That’s why I said Chinese people hold different and complicated emotions to the Yellow River.


解析:黄河在中国的地位不用说,肯定是最重要的河流之一。所以中国人对它的情感自然是 喜欢的。但是黄河在历史上引起过多次严重的洪涝灾害,所以很多黄河流域的人对它是又爱又恨。所以答案中我们客观地分析了这两种情感,避免了绝对化的回答,使得答案更客观、更有说服力。否则,这种询问有关”in your country”的题,回答太绝对,难免让人无法信服。

2) Are there any jobs related to the river?

Well, as far as I know, there are not so many jobs related to the river in modern times. This is because the Yellow River carries the largest amount of sand among all rivers in China, which means that it’s not suitable to build a hydropower station like the Three Gorges Dam in Yangtze River, or to develop tourism like other rivers that have green hills and water as tourist attractions. But I believe that inhabitants of Yellow River basin have a certain number of jobs related to the river. I just don't have much knowledge about that.

久一英语 6-8月雅思口语题库-Part 2&3-river插图

3) What are the advantages of having a river running through a city?

I believe that the city will enjoy numerous advantages from the river. The first benefit coming to my mind is transport. As I know, cities like Sydney and Brisbane in Australia develop ferries as a part of their public transport, which diversifies the choice of transport for city residents. Another

blessing from the river must be tourism. The Thames River, the Rhine, the Amazon and so forth, attract millions of visitors coming to have a glance at their charming and spectacular views, which undoubtedly add a huge income to cities where those rivers run through. So they are two major benefits I could come up with right now.

解析: 本题难度比较小,考生们可以根据生活经验或者听闻来思考这道题。对于流经城市的好处,我们首先分析了对于本地居民的来说的一条福利,就是增加了人们日常交通的选择, 比如澳洲的悉尼和布里斯班两个城市就是如此,再比如青岛与黄岛之间,人们出行时很多时候都是选择轮渡。第二个好处我们分析的是对旅游业的促进作用。大家耳熟能详的泰晤士河、莱茵河、亚马逊河等都是著名的旅游景点,吸引了大量的游客,这无疑给流经城市带来了的巨大的旅游收入。本题主要分析了两个点,除了这两条,考生还可以分析河流是本地居民休闲娱乐的去处、地标性的河流成为人们聚集的重要地点之一等等。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: