2021年1-4月雅思口语新题答案解析 拜访过但不想住的家

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Describe a friend’s home you visited but you don’t want to live there.

You should say:

Where the home is

Who this person is

What kind of home it is

And explain why you don’t want to live there

I had a friend in university called Roy. He was a nice, pleasant andintelligent man, actually. A bit older than me. He lived in a flat not far fromcampus. I used to visit him often because we shared similar interests in books,music and sports. He also helped me a lot with my studies, as he was reallysmart and enjoyed helping others. But his home was so messy and dirty – it wasunbelievable really how messy and dirty it was. He knew it too, and admitted it,and said he just couldn’t organise himself and hated cleaning
2021年1-4月雅思口语新题答案解析 拜访过但不想住的家插图
. It was aninteresting home, I must say, with loads of books, ornaments and old paintingsand wall hangings and things. I did enjoy my visits to Roy’s house, just that itwas so unclean and dusty I was always sneezing when I was there. He also had twocats, a certain breed of cat that always leaves a lot of hair on the chairs andcarpet. They were constantly molting. He didn’t seem to care, but I think thismight have been the reason I was sneezing a lot – a sort of allergy to cat furmaybe. Anyway, I liked the design of the flat, it had high ceilings, woodenfloors, a huge balcony with plants on it, and a very spacious and functionalkitchen – except he never did any washing up so it was impossible to cook in it!So, all in all, you can see why I didn’t want to live there and would never livein an apartment like that or with someone so messy.


本题属于新题首次出现。这一年来的雅思口语题目趋于具体化,主要的表现就是其实题干本身并不陌生,但是会加入一些非常具体的限定词,比如本题的youdon’t want to live there.那么考生在讲述故事的时候,就需要讲出不想住在那里的原因是什么,比如朋友的家非常脏乱差,比如这个房子的地理位置并不好等等。


messy and dirty:这两个词往往成对出现,属于近义词,mess本身是名词,意思是混乱。比如What a mess!实在是太脏乱了!

organise himself:字面意义就是整理自己,让自己保持一个良好状态。


breed:品种,a certain breed of cat,猫的一个品种



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: