英语口语操练 女人单独外出的十大留心思项(双语)

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????  迩来,一女子发帖称自个在北京某酒店遭陌生男跟随并强行拖拽疑欲性侵作业,警方已介入查询。此事令网友们勃然大怒,在为当事人捏一把汗的一起,也初步忧虑自个出行的安危。本期内容,咱们就为女人收罗了一些单独外出时必需要留心的平安疑问,供参阅。

??  1. Awareness

??  有自我维护知道

??  True self-defence begins long before any actual physical contact: awareness of yourself, your surroundings, and your potential attacker"s likely strategies.

??  在遭受任何进犯前,就要早早地有真实的自卫知道:留心自个的行为、留心调查周围环境、警惕潜在突击者可以采纳的进犯战略。

??  2. Use your sixth sense.

??  充分使用第六感

??  All of us, especially women, have this gift. Use it to your full advantage. Avoid a person or a situation which does not "feel" safe–you’re probably right.

??  每自个都有第六感,女人尤甚。大约充分使用好这项优势。对某自个或某种情况感触有任何不队棰儿的当地时,大约从速逃离——因为你的感触很可所以对的。

??  3. Self-defense training.

??  参加自卫课程

??  The self-defense program should include simulated assaults, with a fully padded instructor in realistic rape and attack scenarios, to allow you to practice what you’ve learned.

??  这种自卫项目大约包括仿照突击的进程:做好维护办法的教练员仿照真实的强奸和突击场景,让你能充分实习学到的防卫技能。

??  4. Escape.

??  能逃尽量逃

??  Even if he promises not to hurt you. Yell for help, throw a rock through a store or car window–do whatever you can to attract attention. And if the criminal is after your purse or other material items, throw them one way while you run the other.

??  就算他容许你(跟他走)他不会损伤你,你也要逃。要大声呼救,朝商铺窗户或邻近车窗扔石子,尽悉数所能招引路人留心。假定对方是为了你的钱包或其他资产而来,就向一边丢掉钱包,然后朝另一边跑。

??  5. Your right to fight.

??  奋力反击

??  Many women worry that they will anger the attacker and get hurt worse if they defend themselves, but statistics clearly show that your odds of survival are far greater if you do fight back. Aim for the eyes first and the groin second.

??  许多女人忧虑假定自个抵挡的话,可以会激怒对方,进而遭到更深的报复。但计算数据闪现,奋力反击的话,生计几率比不反击要大得多。先照着对方的双眼打,其次是裆部。

??  6. Pepper spray.

??  辣椒喷雾/防狼器

??  Pepper spray can be a useful tool. However, never depend on any self-defence tool to stop an attacker. Trust your body and your wits, which you can always depend on in the event of an attack.

??  辣椒喷雾是个挺有用的东西。但也要记住,遇袭时不能完全依靠任何自卫东西。你的身体、你的才智才是危殆情况下你最可依靠的武器。

??  7. Home invasions.

??  防入室突击

??  The primary way to prevent a home invasion is simply to never, ever open your door unless you are certain you know who"s on the other side.

??  避免引狼入室的最重要的方法其实很简略——除非能深信门外边的人是谁,否则永久不要开门。

??  8. Don"t appear to be traveling alone.

??  不要让人看出来你是单独一人旅行

??  If someone approaches you and asks, "Is this your first time in Atlanta?" respond with "No, we visit often. We love it here!"

??  假定有人跟你搭腔:“这是你初度来亚特兰大吗?”你要说:“不是啊,咱们常来。咱们都非常喜爱这儿!”

??  9. Choose your accommodations carefully.

??  细心选酒店

??  Choose a national hotel chain with a good safety record. Some hotels now offer women-only floors. Ask for a room above the ground floor, near the elevator, and away fromemergency exits and stairwells.

??  选那种全国连锁的、过往平安记载好的。有些酒店供给女人房客专属楼层。选那种一层以上、离电梯近、离紧迫出口和楼梯间远的房间。

??  10. Be wary of new friends.

??  留心你新知道的兄弟

??  Just be wary of the new friends you make, especially anyone not introduced by a business associate. Don"t s
英语口语操练 女人单独外出的十大留心思项(双语)插图
ocialize with strangers. Limit your alcohol consumption.

??  特别当这个新兄弟不是生意火伴介绍给你的时分,更要留心。少跟陌生人交流。少喝酒。


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