雅思口语Part 2论题解析 想学的外语

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Describe another language (in addition to English and your own languageChinese) that you would like to learn.

You should say:

The name of this language ( where it is spoken)

How you would learn it

What difficulties you think you might have when learning this language

And explain why you would like to learn this language.

拿到这个答题库卡,考生大约首要做的是审题, “in addition to English and your ownlanguage”即除了汉语和英语之外的一门言语。 “you would like to learn”你将来想学的一门言语。同学们可以想一下自个想学的一门言语,但在说言语的时分要留心言语名和国家名的差异,比方说 法语是 “ French”, 而不是“France”; 德语是 “German”, 而不是 “Germany”.

“How you would learn it”, 学习一门言语的方法有多种多样的,比方说可以来新东方来参加一些培训课程 “signup/attend a training course in an institution”; 如今许多同学喜爱在网上报一些课程来学习, “ by onlineclass/ courses”; 要想真实学习言语还要抽出时刻多背单词和语法规划, “spare time to memorize sentencestructures, vocabulary”; 还有一种学习言语非常好的方法是浸入式学习办法,即在周围人都用这门言语的环境中去学习,即 “immersingyourself in that environment”.

“ What difficulties you think you might have when learning this language”,学习言语关于许多初专家而言掌控发音,词汇堆集,和语法规划都很困难,所以说需要有天资教师的晓得 “ you need a qualified teacher toinstruct you”.

“And explain why you would like to learn this language”,学习言语的缘由有许多,可以从言语本身来讲 “ it sounds melodious” 听起来比照美丽; 关于作业的升职 “job promotion”和出国旅行 “foreign business tri” 都有优点.

除此之外还可以把言语和国家联络到一同,喜爱学这门言语是因为喜爱这个国家,假定和国家联络到一同可以说的内容就非常之多了,例如这个国家的 文明 (film, literature , comics, cartoon, habit, way of thinking 等等);还可以从这个国家的饮食(mouth-watering/tasty food) 来说 , 日本的sushi, 法国的 snails, frog legs;另外还可以谈到你想去国家的旅行意图地 “travel destination/ tourist attraction“, 法国的 “Eiffel tower”,日本的 “mount Fuji”.

雅思口语Part 2论题解析 想学的外语插图
“ describe a country ( not your own) that you would like to visit”; “ describeanother place you visit to learn its culture”.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: