往常常用英语口语 多种心境表达

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??I was on cloud nine.我都乐得找不着北了。I couldn't be happier.我高兴得无以复加。That's great to hear.听到这消息我很高兴。I am pleased beyond description.喜不堪言。I'm glad to hear it.听到这个消息我很高兴。It's unbelievable.几乎不敢信赖有这样的功德。I'm beside myself with joy.我让自个被高兴围住。This is too good to be true.这几乎不敢让人信赖。Nothing could be more wonderful.没有比这更让人高兴的了。We had a whale of a time on holiday.假期里咱们玩得非常爽快。We're extremely delighted at your success.咱们因为你的成功而欢天喜地。I am so happy today that I'm buzzing.我今日太开心了,整自个都飘飘欲仙。We're extremely delighted at your success.咱们因为你的成功而欢天喜地。

常用英语口语:哀痛:I blew it.我失利了。I blew it.我搞砸了。I'm so down.我不开心。I'm depressed.我很沮丧。My heart broke.我的心都碎了。I feel so upset.我觉得很哀痛。That's too bad.这真是太糟糕了。What a disappointment!真让人绝望!I feel low today.我今日心境很不好。You're in a bad mood.你的心境不好。He has a melancholy look.他满脸忧虑。

I've got the blues today.我今日很抑郁。I'm really low right now.我正抑郁着呢。His Heart Immediately Sinks.他心马上下沉。I just have the blahs.我只是心里不舒畅算了。I feel blue on rainy days.雨天使我感到低沉。He's always been moody.他老是一副郁郁寡欢的姿势。I am singing the blues tonight.今晚我真是垂头悲观。I didn't realize that I was wrong.我没知道到我错了。Don't get hung up on your weight!不要再为你的体重忧心如焚了。He's all bent out of shape on this case.他快被这个案子弄得溃散了。It was not as good as I thought it would be.没有我正本愿望中的夸姣。I was surprised to see her looking so down in the mouth.看到她心境如此丢失我非常惊奇。My heart sank when I saw the amount of work waiting for me.看到有那么多作业等着我做,我很不开心。He had a bad day at work and came home all bent out
往常常用英语口语 多种心境表达插图
of shape.他今日在单位一天都不顺,回家也是一肚子气。

常用英语口语:孑立I miss you.我牵挂你。I feel lonely.我感到很孤寂。 I hate being alone.我厌烦孑立。My life is empty.我的日子很空无。Alone at last。究竟只剩下了我一自个。I don't mind being alone.我不在乎孑立。I don't mind being alone.我不在乎孑立。 My life is meaningless.我的人生毫无意义。

I'm finally alone.究竟只剩下了我一自个。I am lonely lonely in my life.我的日子孤孑立单。I feel helpless without you.没有你,我感到无助。Buried city, to shut all lights.埋下一座城,关了一切灯。All or nothing, now or never.要么没有,要么悉数。要么如今,要么永不。I'm walking on alone is lonely and dangerous.我即将单独踏上的旅途是孑立且布满荆棘的。 I always feel I'm left high and dry with nobody to rely on.我常常感遭到自个孑立无助,没有人可以信赖。

常用英语口语:后悔:If only I... 要是...就好了。I was careless.我太粗心粗心了。You will be sorry.你会后悔的!It's too late now.如今后悔也晚了。I regret doing that.我后悔我做的事。I regret doing that.我很后悔那样做。

I shouldn't have done it.我真不该那样。I was too uptight.我要是再吃苦点就好了。I shouldn't have done it. 我真不该那样做。I should have known better.我早该弄理解了。I wish I hadn't done that.我期望我没有做过。I should have known better.我早该弄理解一些。I know, I went too far.我晓得,我做得过分火了。I shouldn't have said that.我要是不说那话就好了。I wish I wouldn't have said that. 我早该晓得了。I regret not studying harder.我后悔没有更尽力学习。I should have studied harder.我要是问他一下就好了。I wish I remembered the address.我要是记住地址就好了。It was careless of me to do so.做那种事,我也太不留神了。Oh, no! I shouldn't have done it.哦,不!我要是不那样就好了。I regret that i was angry with my son.我后悔不该对儿子发火。It was too careless of me to make such a decision.我做这样的抉择太草率了。It is to be regretted that I forgot to finish the report last night.真怅惘我昨晚忘掉结束这份陈述了。If you had come to my apartment last night, you would not have missed the game.假定你昨晚去了我家的话,你就不会错失了那场竞赛。If China had won the game, they would have entered the World Cup Finals. 假定我国队赢了那场球赛的话,他们就能进入世界杯决赛圈了。

常用英语口语:生气No more excuses! 别再辩解了!I've heard enough of your excuses.我不想再听你的辩解了。That's not a good excuse. 这也叫理由!What's the big idea? 你究竟在想啥呢?*用来标明“你怎么做那种事,你究竟在想啥呢?”Don't give me any lip service!别给我开言而无信。Don't tell me what to do! 你少指令我!

I'm mad! 气死我了!That's disgusting. 真是厌烦!You're getting on my nerves. 你真让我心烦。Don't make fun of me! 别讪笑我!I've run out of patience. 我再也没耐性了。What nerve! 真猖狂!How impudent you are to say such a thing!你竟有脸说这种事!What he says offends me. 他的话多气人呀。We've got to get even. 咱们得反击。I wasn't born yesterday. 我又不是不理解。*直译“我可不是昨日才生下来的。”Don't think you can make a fool out of me!别把我当傻瓜。You're making fun of me. 你拿我开涮呢吧。That's asking too much. 真是狮子大开口。

He has a quick/short/bad temper.他是急/坏脾气。Who do you think you're talking to?你晓得你是在对谁说话吗?I won't let you have your own way.我不会让你达到意图的。That's blackmail! 这是威吓。Don't insult me. = Don't insult my intelligence.你别侮辱人。You're a filthy liar. 你个鄙俗的骗子。You'll be sorry. 你会后悔的。Are you crazy? 你疯了吗?Don't look at me like that!别用那种目光看着我!I want to get even with him. 我要报复。That sneaky, low life creep!那个奸刁又鄙俗的家伙。Is not!? Is too! (根柢)不是!?是的!Have it your way! 随意吧!用于好意好心给人出主见却不被承受时。“那随你便吧,爱怎么着就怎么着吧。”


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: