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她是倍受重视的维密超模,她走一步就是大把的公民币,从英语只会说hi,到native speaker,她是如何做到的?

说到刘雯,你的第一反应是啥?What’s the first words that come to your mind when someone mentions the name Liu Wen?

维密?超模?Victoria’s Secret? Super model?

天然?洁净?Natural? Clean?

心爱的单眼皮、明媚的笑脸、恬静的性格......乍一看,刘雯就给人很简略的感触。With her cute single-fold eyelids, her bright smile and her quiet personality, Liu Wen seems like quite a simple girl at first sight.

而这份简略,让人觉得她特别美。But it’s just this simpleness that makes her so beautiful.

1988年1月,刘雯出世在永州,这是湖南的一个小县城。In January of 1988, Liu Wen was born in Yongzhou, which was a small town in Hunan Province.

在当年的这儿,时髦这个概念根柢是不存在的,而一般人眼里的“世界品牌”是肯德基。Back in those years, people there didn’t really know what fashion was. And if you mentioned the concept of international brands, what they thought about was things like KFC.

小时分的刘雯,就和千千万万的一般女孩相同,一向故步自封地上学,她其时的愿望是变成一名导游。When Liu Wen was a little girl, she was just like so many other ordinary little girls. She went to one after another school like most people did. And her dream was to become a tour guide.

而模特这条路,她历来就没想过。To become a model? No, she never thought about it.

悉数的改变发生在2005年。And everything changed in 2005.

这一年,新丝路模特大赛的奖品是一台电脑,刘雯得知之后,就去报名参加了。That year, the trophy for the winner of the New Silk Road Model Competition was a computer. Liu Wen learned about this. So she signed for the competition.

对,她只不过是想要一台电脑。Yes, all she wanted was just a computer.

可是,出乎一切人的意料,没有任何经历的她,拿到了湖南赛区的冠军,还签约了模特生意公司。However, things turned out to be something very different. Though without any experience, she became the champion of the Hunan Division. And she got signed as a model by a model agency.

就这样,18岁的刘雯初步踏上自个的模特之路。Thus, the 18-year-old Liu Wen started her path as a model.

这之后,刘雯来到了她模特之路的第一站——北京。After that, Liu Wen went to the first destination on this journey: Beijing.

这时的她是只身一人,随身相伴的只需两个大箱子。She was all alone when she got there with only her two suitcases beside her.

其时国内干流佳人的长相是:双眼皮、大双眼、鹅蛋脸和薄嘴唇。In those years the concept of a beautiful girl for the mainstream of the Chinese meant someone with double-fold eyelids, big eyes, oval face and thin lips.

而刘雯是单眼皮、厚嘴唇,和这个标准相去甚远。But what Liu Wen has are single-fold eyelids and thick lips. She is far from what was considered as beautiful.

再加上短少经历,刚到北京的第一年,刘雯几乎没接就任何作业。Because of this and her lack of experience, she barely found any work to do in the first year after she got in Beijing.

刘雯初步置疑自个是不是真得合适做“模特”。Liu Wen started to doubt whether she was really meant to be a model or not.

但爸妈告诉她——But her parents told her:

“再坚持一下,或许就会好起来。不可的话,再回家。”“Just carry on for a little longer. Maybe things will get better. If they don’t, then come home when they don’t.”

在爸妈的鼓舞下,刘雯从头初步审视自个——为啥面试会失利?Under the encouragement from her parents, Liu Wen made herself think about why she failed all those interviews.

是衣裳个性和品牌不符?仍是自个妆没画好?Was it that she wore the wrong outfit for the brand? Or she messed up with her makeup?

仍是说,对品牌了解不可深?Or is it because that she hadn’t understood the brand enough?

她不断地研讨,杂志上的模特如何摆pose、如何做表情、目光如何处置。不断地看、不断地学,研讨了至少2000本。She kept digging. She kept studying how the models on the magazines posed themselves, how they formed their expressions and how they used their eyes. She studied at least 2000 magazines.

每次面试前,她都做好足够地预备。摸清方案师的喜爱,分配好面试的服装和妆容。从头到脚、从里到外,悉数配备。Then, before every interview, she would make perfect preparation. She would manage to find out what the designer liked and dress herself based on it.

2年后,刘雯逐渐做出了一点成果。这些成果在其他模特身上,可以需要3-5年。2 years latter, Liu Wen found herself on the right track. And this progress could have taken 3-5 years for other models.

她早年3年没和家人一同春节。亲友老友给她打电话时,她不是在去秀场的路上,就是从这个秀场赶往下一个。She once failed to spend the Chinese New Year Eve with her family for 3 years. When her family tried to call her, she would either be on the way to walk a show or on the way to walk her next show.

刘雯曾说:“许多人像我相同不断奔驰到远方。但在路上,欢喜总多过忧伤。”She once said: “There are a lot of people like me who never stopped running to the new horizon. There are miseries on the way, but there are more happiness.”

2007年,刘雯总算等到了一个机缘。In 2007, Liu Wen finally got a real chance.

世界高端女人服装杂志《嘉人 Marie claire》的艺术参谋 Joseph Carle 来我国辅导拍照一组服装大片。Joseph Carle, the artistic consultant for the international high-end women’s fashion magazine Marie Claire, came to China to shoot a commercial.

刘雯是这次大片的试衣模特。她把自个对服装的了解,用肢体言语表达了出来。Liu Wen was a fitting model for this commercial, and she used her body language to express her understanding of the clothes perfectly.

Joseph Carle 被刘雯的专业性深深招引了。Joseph Carle was completely fascinated by her professionalism.

他抉择为刘雯加拍一组服装大片,并作为《嘉人》的封面。He decided to shoot an extra collection for Liu Wen and use it as Marie Claire’s cover.

2007年9月,刘雯初度登上《嘉人》的封面。In September 2007, Liu Wen had her image on Marie Claire’s cover for the first time.

至此,刘雯才总算进入了她神往的世界舞台。Now, Liu Wen officially set her feet on the international stage.

而她走向世界的第一站,是纽约。And the first place she went to on this level was New York.

初到纽约,刘雯几乎不会英文,只会简略的 Hi、yes 和 no。去面试时,完全听不理解国外方案师在说啥。When she first got there, she could barely speak any English. All she could managed to say were things like Hi, yes or no. She had no idea what the designers were talking about when she went through those auditions.

言语差异,阻止了她在国外的打开。刘雯抉择苦练英语。And thus, her path abroad got blocked by language barrier. So she made her mind to put some real effort in learning English.

她带上地图、一支笔、一个本子。买一张地铁票,一圈一圈地坐。每到一站,就细心听站名、记住它的英文。She brought a map with her, along with a pen and a notebook. She bought a subway ticket and just kept riding it. Every time the subway stopped at a station, she would listen carefully to the broadcast and write down the name of the station.

在公寓宅着的时分,她就抱着美剧啃。《绯闻女孩》是刘雯看得最多的一部。When she was back in her apartment, she would watch TV dramas. Gossip Girls was her favorite.

尽管口语很一般,但刘雯一点儿都不怕出丑。每次都是斗胆地开口和老交际流。Though she didn’t speak English very well, she was totally not ashamed of using it. Every time she made a conversation with a foreigner, she spoke without any fear.

就这样,一点一滴地堆集。言语不再变成交流的妨碍。Just like this, step by step, language ceased to be an obstacle for her.

如今,她现已可以承受纯英文的采访。And now, there is no problem for her in having an interview in English.

2008年,刘雯变成了超A类模特。一个月就有 20多次 的拍照。In 2008, Liu Wen became an A level model. Sometimes she needed to do more than 20 shootings in a month.

3月,参加米兰和巴黎服装周,Chanel、Hermes、Burberry、Kenzo、Maison Martin Margiela等共20场。In March, she took turns taking part in Milan and Paris’ fashion weeks and walked 20 shows for brands like Chanel, Hermes, Burberry, Kenzo and Maison Martin Margiela.

2009年,“秀霸”刘雯正式上场。In 2009, she officially got the nickname Runway Conqueror.

这一年的春夏服装周,她走了27场秀。During this year’s Spring and Summer fashion week, she walked 27 shows.

秋冬服装周,她又走了74场秀,改写了亚洲模特走秀场次的纪录。During the Fall and Winter week, she walked another 74 shows and thus broke the record of times for an Asian model to walk in a single fashion week.

2009年,刘雯还登上了“维多利亚的隐秘”秀场,变成首个在维密走秀的东亚模特。In the same year she also walked the runway for Victoria’s Secret and became the first Eastern Asian model who did this.

2015年,在福布斯“全球最挣钱超模榜单”,以年收入450万美元排行第14。In 2015, she ranked the 14th on Forbes’ List of Super Models with Highest Income in the World with an annual income of 4,500,000 dollars.

到如今中止,她现已走了700多场秀,而且从未在T台上颠仆,更没有让任何突发情况阻止走秀的正常进行。So far, she has walked more than 700 hundred shows and h
as never fallen down on the runway. Nor has she ever let any unexpected event to sabotage the shows.

不管何时,她都是自始自终地专业。Whenever and wherever, she is always so professional.

实际中,刘雯从18岁初步奔波各地,到如今仍是独身一人。Back in life as a ordinary person, Liu Wen has been traveling around the world for her career ever since she was 18. And that has made her stay single all the way up to this day.

刘雯曾说:“每自个都有心里的那棵萝卜,或那颗鸡蛋。我不是不要,只是缘分还没到。”She once said: “Everyone has that carrot or that egg in their hearts. It’s not that I don’t want them. It’s just that the right time has not come yet.”

诚心期望她能遇到自个的那颗萝卜。Hope that she can find that right carrot for her. Sincerely.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: