雅思口语 4月21日口语论题回想与汇总(二)

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1.A small business you want to start (Australia)

2.A letter (New Zealand)

3.A Bad Weather Experience (南昌)

Topic card

Describe an experience you had with bad weather.

You should say:

what sort of bad weather it was

when it happened

where you were when it happened

and explain how it affected you.

Further question

Besides the example you just gave (in Part 2), what are some other examples of bad weather (in your country)?

Do different parts of your country experience different types of bad weather?

Why do you think people call it "bad weather"?

Is there anything we can do to prepare for bad weather?

Do you think bad weather can ever be dangerous?

What do people in your country do when the weather is bad?

How does bad weather affect people?

How does bad weather affect people's mood?

Do you think people become depressed or bored during bad weather?

Why do people live in places where the weather can sometimes be bad?

Do you think there are any problems with the world's climate now?

How do you think these problems were caused?

Do you think the weather (or, the climate) can affect people's mood?

Do you think people who live in (or come from) hot places have different personalities to people who live in (or come from) cold places?

What are the types of natural disasters that sometimes occur?

Do you think there is much we can do to prevent these disasters?

How do you think a government should react to a natural disaster?

What does your government do when a natural disaster occurs?

Do you think what you governments does at these times could be improved in any way?

4.A Leader You Admire (南昌)

Topic card

Describe a leader who you admire.

You should say:

who this person is

what this person did (has done) that you admire

how you know this person or know about this person

and explain how this leader's qualities impressed you.

Further question

Would you like to (do you want to) be a leader?

Why do some people not want to be a leader?

Why can't everyone be a leader?

Why do we need leaders?

Besides company managers (or whoever you chose to talk about), what other kinds of leaders are there?

What are the qualities of a good leader?

What are the differences between a leader and other (ordinary) people?

What are the responsibilities of leadership?

What are the responsibilities of a national leader?

If you were a leader, what would you do?

How can leaders influence others?

How do some people become leaders?

How can society develop future leaders?

How can a spirit of leadership be cultivated in universities or society?

Do you think we should have special schools to train future leaders?

How do you think leaders of the future will be different to current leaders?

5.A Foreign Place You'd Like to Travel to (广西,西安,太原,兰州)

Topic card

Describe a foreign place that you would like to travel to.

You should say:

where you would like to go

how you would go there

who you would go with

and explain why you would like to go to this place.

Further question

Would you prefer to travel with your parents or with some friends? (Why?)

What are the differences between traveling alone and traveling in a group?

Do Chinese people prefer to travel in groups or individually?

Would you prefer (do you prefer) to travel alone or with a friend?

What are the qualities of a good travel companion?

If you were going to go on a trip, who would you most like to go with? (Why?)

Who would you most dislike going with? (Why?)

What are some possible problems that a person might have while travelling?

What are the benefits of travelling to new places?

If you had the choice, where would you like to travel to? (Why?)

What are some of the best travel destinations in China?

Which places are Chinese people most interested in visiting?

How have attitudes about international travel changed in China in the past 20 years?

Do you think the government should encourage people to make trips overseas?

Compare the types of travel destinations that people your age choose and the destinations that people your parents' age choose.

Is tourism an important industry in China?

How can people benefit from visiting new places?

When many people visit a particular place, what effects can that have on this place?

What difficulties might a foreigner have while travelling as a tourist in China?

6.Two People From The Same Family

Topic card

Describe two people who you know from the same family.

You should say:

who these two people are

how much these two people have similar personalities

how much they look similar

and explain how the two people get along with each other.

Further question

Do you feel that the characteristics of parents are always passed on to t
雅思口语 4月21日口语论题回想与汇总(二)插图
heir children?

Do parents affect in a big way the development of their children's personalities?

Do you think people become more like their parents as they grow older?

Are young people more influenced by their friends or their family?

Family Life

Is family life important (to you)?

What do family members in China do together?

Why is it important for children to live with adults?

How has family life (or, families) changed in China in the recent past, for example, in the past 20 or 50 years?

What are the benefits of living in extended families?

Do you think it is good to have old people living with children?

Do you think the government should be responsible for teaching people about parenting?

When both parents go out to work, how does this affect their family?

What are the responsibilities of parents?

7.A Good Student

Describe a good student you have studied with.

You should say:

who they were

when you studied together

what relationship you had with this person

and explain why you think he or she was (or is) a good student.

Further question

What sorts of teaching methods do teachers in your country use in schools?

What ways of teaching do students like the most?

What do you think makes a "good teacher"?

Do you think it's important for teachers to be "good teachers"?

In general, what qualities do you think good students have?

Do you think school students today are more hard-working than in previous generations?

Do you think school students today are better students than in previous generations?

What do you think is the importance of (or, value of) a university education?

Do you think everyone should go to university?

Which do you think is more important (or, useful) for university graduates, what they learned at university or what they learn in the work situation?

8.a job you want to do in the future (频次高,合肥和南京都考到)

9.A Foreign Place You'd Like to Travel to

Describe a foreign place that you would like to travel to.

You should say:

where you would like to go

how you would go there

who you would go with

and explain why you would like to go to this place.

Part 3


Would you prefer to travel with your parents or with some friends? (Why?)

What are the differences between traveling alone and traveling in a group?

Do Chinese people prefer to travel in groups or individually?

Would you prefer (do you prefer) to travel alone or with a friend?

What are the qualities of a good travel companion?

If you were going to go on a trip, who would you most like to go with? (Why?)

Who would you most dislike going with? (Why?)

What are some possible problems that a person might have while travelling?

What are the benefits of travelling to new places?

If you had the choice, where would you like to travel to? (Why?)

What are some of the best travel destinations in China?

Which places are Chinese people most interested in visiting?

How have attitudes about international travel changed in China in the past 20 years?

Do you think the government should encourage people to make trips overseas?

Compare the types of travel destinations that people your age choose and the destinations that people your parents' age choose.

Is tourism an important industry in China?

How can people benefit from visiting new places?

When many people visit a particular place, what effects can that have on this place?

What difficulties might a foreigner have while travelling as a tourist in China?

10.An Old Person You Like to Talk To (上海,天津)

Describe an old person who you like to talk to.

You should say:

who this person is

how you know them (him or her)

what you usually talk about

and explain why you like to talk to him or her.

Further question

In your country, how are old people treated?

Do you think the way old people are treated in your country is good?

Do you think people's attitudes towards (e.g., respect towards) old people have changed in recent years?

Do you think the way old people are treated (or, attitudes towards old people) will change in the future?

What do you think is the role of old people in the family today?

Do you think that old people should live with their children (and grandchildren)?

What are the benefits of this?

Do you think there is a 'generation gap' between old people and their children and grandchildren and how serious or important is this?

How are the views of old people different to what young people today think?

In many countries, the proportion of old people in society is increasing. How do you think society will (or, might) change in the future as a result of this trend?

What problems do (some) old people have?

Do you have any suggestions on how this problem could be addressed?

What government services are there for old people in your country?

Are the old people happy with these services?

Taking Care of Old People

What is life like for old people today, compared to 20 or 30 years ago?

Do you think there are any new problems resulting from the fact that many countries now have an aging population?

What do you think life will be like for old people 20 or 30 years in the future?

Besides financial help, in what ways do old people need help?

Who do you think should be responsible for looking after old people, the government or the family?

Do you think young people have a responsibility to look after old people?

Do you think the government has a responsibility to look after old people?

In your culture (your country), do old people usually live with their children?

Do you think this is good?

Do you think this might change in the future?

How do you think taking care of old people could be improved?

Do you think old people should have to take care of (young) children?

Do you think it's fair for old people (if they have to do that)?

What are some reasons why old people sometimes (have to) take care of young children?

What can children (grandchildren) learn from old people?

Are children generally willing to accept advice from old people?

Are young people (e.g., teenagers and people in their twenties) willing to accept advice from old people?


Why do companies usually not hire old people for work?

In your country, at what age do people usually retire from work?

Is this retirement age a law or is it just the custom in your country?

Do you think this is a suitable age to retire?

Do you think many old people would like to continue working after they retire?

In your country, what do old people do after they retire?

Has this changed in the past few years (e.g., 30 years)?

What do old people do for exercise?

Are there any recreational or entertainment facilities in your hometown especially for old people?

Do you think it's important for old people to continue learning new things?

11.Describe a song or melody that you remember from your childhood. (济南,青岛)

You should say:

where you (first) heard this song or melody

how old you were when you first heard it

what the song (or melody) was about

and explain how you felt (or feel now) when you heard (or hear) this song.

Part 3

Music in Your Society

What's your favorite type of music?

Do your parents also like that kind of music?

Compare the music that young people like to listen to with the music that older people like to listen to.

Compare the music that people of different age groups like.

Do you think people's tastes in music change as they get older?

What do old people like to listen to?

Has music in China changed much in the past 30 years or so?

Do you think people in different countries listen to different music? Why?

Has Chinese music been influenced by Western music?

Is there any relationship between people's culture and the kind of music they listen to?

Why do you think Western popular music has such a big influence throughout the whole world?

The Uses of Music

What are the different places where people can listen to music?

Nowadays, a lot of shops play background music in their shops. Can you suggest why they do that?

What do you think of the background music that is often played in department stores or shopping malls?

Why do you think these places play that kind of music?

Some people think the music played in shopping malls is annoying. What do you think?

Do you agree that music can sometimes be considered to be noise pollution?

12.Describe an outdoor activity that you like doing (or do regularly). (北京)

You should say:

what this activity is

where you do it

when you do it

when you started doing it

and explain why you like it.


Outdoor Activities

Do people in your country like to do outdoor activities? (What activities?)

What outdoor activities do people do in your country?

What do you think are the benefits of doing outdoor activities?

Are there any possible disadvantages from engaging in outdoor activities?

Do you think modern people spend more time outdoors than people in the past, or less?

Do young people (or children) and old people do the same outdoor?

Children's Play, esp. Electronic Games

Why do children like electronic games?

Do you think it's good for children (or, people) to play electronic games?

What are the pros and cons of children playing electronic games?

Do you think parents should control the amount of time children spend playing electronic games?

Do you think these games will continue to be popular in the future?


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: