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我自个认为Task3是新托福口语有些最有应战性的标题。为了仿照北美大学课堂的学术气氛和学生在学校日子的方方面面,integratedspeaking有些的Task3从不一样程度上触及了Read/Listen/Speak三个方面,而且初度答应考生作课堂笔记。这种题型有利有弊吧,对听力不好的托友来说这是个坎儿,而它的优势就在于它经过听力和阅览给我们供给了更多的信息点。一般这有些是环绕着Campussituation topic 而打开的。


Note-taking strategy: Note format

Female Male

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Here is an example of an integrated reading-listening-speaking task:


Notice of Vote on Campus Food Service

Students are encouraged to vote on the university’s proposal to change thefood service on campus. Students should vote for which of two options theyprefer. Option 1 would expand the main cafeteria in the Student Center,including the addition of more food choices and more dining space; this optionwould also close the two snack bars on campus. Option 2 would close thecafeteria in the Student Center but would maintain the two snack bars, and wouldadd five food service areas across campus, including two cafes, a deli, abarbecue grill, and a fine dining room.


Sample conversation

W: Have you voted on the food service yet?

M: No, but I intend to. I’m going to vote for the second option.

W: That’s the one that closes the main cafeteria, isn’t it?

M: Right.

W: But the main cafeteria is in the Student Center. That’s where everyonegoes at lunchtime. Doesn’t it make sense to have food there?

M: But it’s always so crowded in there at lunchtime. You have to wait along time in the food line. And there are never enough places to sit.

W: That’s true, but they say they’ll add more tables.

M: There aren’t enough bike racks outside either. I have no place to put mybike. Most of the time, I eat at one of the snack bars. Besides, I like the ideaof having several smaller eating places all over campus. That seems a lot moreconvenient, sine we have classes all over campus anyway. It also means lesscrowding, and you don’t have to wait as long to get your food. More foodchoices, too-----I also like the idea of barbecue on campus.

W: Yeah, that does sound good, doesn’t it?

The man expresses his opinion about the campus food service. State hisopinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Sample answer

The man votes to close the cafeteria in the Student Center. Because hethinks it is very crowding there in lunchtime. There is no place for his bikewhen he wants to have dinner. There are also
not enough space for every student.She likes the idea to open several food service centers around campus. Becauseit’s more convenient and it’s not crowded if there are many food servicecenters. He also has not --------


(1) 人称的正确运用。She likes the idea to open several food service centers aroundcampus. 主语大约是he。这个疑问很小咱们也再三地偏重,可是仍是有人不断地犯错,在这儿再声明一次请在预备之前必定细心阅览理解它的标题需求,Statehis opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

(2) There are also not enough space for every student.这句话假定表达为:there isalso no enough space for every student tosit.这样会非常好一些!还有在这句话和前句话之间夹一个moreover这样会使陈述过渡地愈加天然。一起主张我们在往常的学习中多多堆集一些signalwords或答应以说是 transitions(过渡词),这不管对广大托友的口语仍是写作都有很大协助!

(3) 言语表达多样性上有待前进。通观他的悉数陈述内容,首要可以必定他现已极好地掌控了听力和阅览有些的首要信息。缺乏之处就是不止一次呈现foodservice centers,这样会构成考官的听觉疲惫,他会认为你的词汇量短少。听力中的several smaller eatingplaces可以拿来和它交换运用,而且阅览中的最终一句:Including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and afine dining room.可以加进陈述内容中去,这样会使你的表达愈加饱满!




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: