新托福考试阅览变难了吗 斯坦福教授告诉你如何搞定学术阅览!

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1. 虐读领会:每个早年的托福小白都有所阅历







2. 斯坦福大学的学术阅览课说了些啥?


例如Think aloud,就是要在阅览的时分测验把自个其时的感触和主意都表达出来,说或许写都可以,这样就可以把思考进程外化,让自个逐渐养成习气,学会读书的一起进行思考。

此外,还有metacognitive markers,运用自个习气的阅览符号,在阅览的时分将自个的主意记下来,举个比方,用√代表附和,用⊙代表不理解或不附和,用≈代表自个感触很深的当地等。






3. 把快乐喜爱融入阅览学术文章

If you're like me, you like to read popular magazines for fun. Maybe sports magazines, or magazines about celebrities. These kinds of magazines can be helpful when you're learning English. As part of a broad strategy for building your reading skills with an array of English language texts. They're full of engaging topics and interesting opinions expressed in an informal tone. But to be successful on the TOEFL test, you need to read academic texts as part of your preparation strategy.


At any university, you will encounter textbooks and articles on a wide variety of academic subjects. Including the social sciences, the arts, and physical and life sciences. Because these are the kinds of texts you’ll be using in university courses. They're also the kinds of texts you'll see on the TOEFL test.


So, today we're going to look at three key characteristics of academic texts.

First, academic texts generally use formal language. Stylistically, there are probably very few contractions or abbreviations. In terms of vocabulary, the author may use specialized, or infrequently used words. And almost no idioms or slang expressions. Also, the author may use grammar that is not typical of everyday spoken language. Or, text written for non-academic purposes. Such as entertainment. Next, the material is presented in a logical and objective way, that is to say, without personal bias.Based on facts, not feelings. Whereas popular writing often exaggerates and appeals to emotions. Due to its objectivity, the tone may feel impersonal, rather than personal. A popular magazine article, on the other hand, may be written in a way that tries to appeal to your emotions. Maybe it tries to get you to care about whether a contract between a sports team and a
新托福考试阅览变难了吗 斯坦福教授告诉你如何搞定学术阅览!插图
particular player will be renewed, for example. Or, maybe it tries to make you upset that a certain celebrity wasn't chosen for a role in an upcoming movie. Textbooks and academic papers generally won't try to appeal to your emotions.

Last, academic texts are conceptually complex. This means the ideas being presented in an academic text may not be straightforward ones. In other words, they may be nuanced, or multidimensional. Not simplistic. And the relationship among those ideas may also be complicated. There may be interconnected parts. These parts may be spread across the text. So the reader may need to draw connectionsbetween individual sentences or across paragraphs.

Additionally, the reader may need to draw inferences, which means, the reader has toread between the lines. This doesn't necessarily mean academic texts are difficult, it just means that they are not simplistic in their presentation of material.





此外,读者可以需要揣度才能, 也就是说,读者从言外之意来阅览。这并不必定意味着学术论文很难,只是意味着它们在材料的呈现上并不简略。

So, to review. Academic texts use formal language. They present ideas logically and objectively.And they are conceptually complex. When you practice reading in English, be sure you are reading quality academic texts. They will help you prepare for test day and beyond.


Before you begin to read, take a look at the title and the illustration at the beginning of the passage. If there is one.


Then, for the text, you can use the technique called skimming. Take a glance at the first few sentences of the first paragraph. These sentences form the introduction and usually give the reader an idea of what is to come.


Then take a look at the first sentence of each of the other paragraphs. These sentences often provide information about the main point, or points, in each paragraph. At this stage, you should have an impression of what the main topic of the passage is. As well as an understanding of some of the key ideas to be discussed. You should also have an impression about the author's intent. Is the author explaining a phenomenon, or presenting opposing points of view? What is the main purpose of the text you're reading?


While you skim, pay attention to the structure, or organization of the passage. You may want to take notes in the form of an outline.




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: