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1. 英语新闻片段与分析

1.1. 片段原文:

Rising sea levels threaten hundreds of millions -- and it's much worse than we thought

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are at risk of losing their homes as entire cities sink under rising seas over the next three decades, according to researchers.

The findings, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, put nearly three times as many people in coastal areas at risk from flooding than previously thought, and are the result of new advances in elevation modeling technology.

Global sea levels are expected to rise between two to seven feet (0.6 meters to 2.1 meters) -- and possibly more -- over the course of the 21st century.

And by 2050, land that is currently home to about 300 million people will fall below the elevation of the average annual coastal flood -- meaning they could face severe floods at least once a year. By 2100, land that is home to 200 million people could sit permanently below the high tide line, rendering those coastal areas all but unlivable.

"The results indicate that, yes, a great deal more people are on vulnerable land than we thought," said Benjamin Strauss, one of the study's co-authors and CEO of non-profit organization Climate Central. He added that these affected regions need to take immediate action to avoid the impending "economic and humanitarian catastrophe."

Entire coastal cities could be wiped out if there aren't enough sea defenses in place. Some 70% of the people at risk of yearly floods and permanent inundation are in eight Asian countries: China, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Japan, according to the study.


(Excerpted from CNN)

1.2. 分析:

上面展示的新闻片段的标题和悉数内容显着呈现出英语新闻的时效性和常识传达性,足致使使英语读者的阅览兴致。首要,这篇新闻内容新颖震慑,例如,将来三十年海平面将上升会致使城市沉降,世界规模内数亿人将面临颠沛流离的风险。第二,消息来历声威,数据真实可信,具有恰当的常识性,例如,elevation modeling technology,high tide line,vulnerable land等。假定可以比照轻松地读懂其间的首要内容则能阐明英语阅览了解方面的真实的使用水平缓才能。此外,从英语新闻的言语特征来看,这篇新闻可以看作是典范。除了表述常识的术语之外,专有名词如Nature Communications,学术词汇如economic and humanitarian catastrophe,新闻用语如according to researchers等体现出恰当的正式性。有的语句比照长而且有必定的凌乱性,如,The findings, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, put nearly three times as many people in coastal areas at risk from flooding than previously thought, and are the result of new advances in elevation modeling technology.作为英语的学习者和应试者,可以将类似的语句作为样本进行细心学习和了解,以作为输入和输出的基础和典范。咱们需要进行许多的英语新闻输入,但更要留心进行有用输入,也就是要精选典型的地道的英语词汇和语句以及期间等作为自个进行英语新闻阅览的言语使用的材料来历。

2. 英语新闻典型语句与翻译

2.1. 原文:

Footwear and apparel company Nike says it will launch an investigation into allegations made by a former athlete against the disgraced former head coach of its now shuttered elite running program, the Nike Oregon Project.




allegation: 指控

disgraced: 丢人的,声名扫地的

shutter: 关闭

elite: 高手的

2.2. 原文:

Fentanyl is an extremely potent synthetic opioid, 60 times stronger than heroin, which was responsible for close to 30,000 of the 72,000 overdose deaths in the US in 2017, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.




fentanyl: 芬太尼

potent: 强效的

opioid: 类阿片

heroin: 海洛因

National Institute on Drug Abuse: 美国国家药物乱用研讨所

2.3. 原文:

"This discovery reminds us that to end the HIV pandemic, we must continue to out think this continuously changing virus and use the latest advancements in technology and resources to monitor its evolution," study co-author, Dr. Carole McArthur, a professor in the department of oral and craniofacial sciences at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, said in a statement.




HIV(human immunodeficiency virus): 人体免疫残损病毒,艾滋病病毒


out think: 深化思考

oral: 口腔的

craniofacial: 颅面的

2.4. 原文:

The severe weather conditions experienced yesterday have caused the iron scow, which has remained lodged in the powerful upper rapids above the Falls for over a century, to shift significantly from its position.




scow: 驳船,平底船

lodge: 旅居

rapid: 急流(险滩)

2.5. 原文:

While authorities made clear that the decision to cancel games was necessary to ensure the safety of players and fans, many were critical of the tournament's inability to reschedule games and apparent unpreparedness for the extreme weather -- despite the World Cup being held during typhoon season.




tournament: 锦标赛

typhoon: 飓风

2.6. 原文:

The stock bounce came as a new University of Michigan consumer sentiment survey indicated that optimism among American consumers rebounded in October to the highest level in three months, due in part to easing concern over the US-China trade war.




bounce: 弹起,反弹

consumer sentiment: 花费者决心

rebound: 反弹

2.7. 原文:

Granit Xhaka reached "boiling point" after his wife and daughter were abusively targeted on social media, the Arsenal captain said as he spoke for the first time to explain his angry reaction to the club's supporters booing him.




abusively: 咒骂地,咒骂地

Arsenal: 阿森纳足球队

boo: 发嘘声,喝倒彩

2.8. 原文:

We estimate Apple TV+ can become a $9 billion revenue business with 136 million paid subscribers by [fiscal year 2025], assuming just one in every 10 Apple user pays for the service by [fiscal year 2025].


假定到2025财年,每十个苹果用户中只需一个用户收购Apple TV+的效能,估量到时分这项事务就可以具有1.36亿付费用户,年收入抵达90亿美元。


revenue: 收入,收益

subscriber: 用户,订户

fiscal: 财务的

2.9. 原文:

Evidence is growing that certain lifestyles changes such as diet, exercis
e and brain training might slow their mental decline, possibly even protect them from developing full-blown dementia.




Dementia: 发呆

2.10. 原文:

Career diplomat George Kent told congressional investigators in his closed-door testimony this week that Rudy Giuliani asked the State Department and the White House to grant a visa to the former Ukrainian official who Joe Biden had pushed to have removed when he was vice president, according to four people familiar with Kent's testimony.




congressional: 国会的

career diplomat: 作业交际官

testimony: 证词

grant: 公布,给予

2.11. 原文:

Democrats, appalled by the fact that President Donald Trump has already successfully appointed two people to the Supreme Court and could be in line to appoint more, debated ways to remake the Supreme Court on Tuesday, with former Vice President Joe Biden, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and other disagreeing about the best way forward.




appall: 吓坏,使惊骇

Supreme Court: 美国联邦最高法院

2.12. 原文:

The ruling raises the likelihood that Trump's tax returns will be provided in response to a subpoena from the Manhattan district attorney's office, although any material obtained through a grand jury subpoena is covered by grand jury secrecy rules, meaning it would likely become public only if it were used as evidence at a trial.




ruling: 断定

subpoena: (传唤证人出庭的)传票

tax returns: 交税申报单

district attorney: 区查看官

grand jury:大陪审团

trial: 审理,审判

2.13. 原文:

But Thursday's indictments also threaten to undermine the core argument that Trump and his closest aides, from Vice President Mike Pence to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have employed, given that the publicly available evidence of Trump's dealings with Ukraine seem so damning.




indictments: 刑事申述书

threaten: 预示凶兆

undermine: 损坏

aide: 辅佐

damning: 呵斥的,咒骂的

2.14. 原文:

Republican lawmakers in particular have harshly denounced Trump's decision as a betrayal of the Kurds and a strategic blunder that will weaken American credibility, reverse gains against ISIS, make it harder for the US to build alliances and give a boost to Russia and Iran.




lawmakers:: 立法者,国会议员

denounce: 呵斥,呵斥

blunder: 大错,失算

reverse: 倒置,回转

ISIS(Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria): 伊斯兰国,伊拉克和叙利亚伊斯兰国

boost: 前进,增加,协助,鼓励

2.15. 原文:

President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he was lifting all sanctions on Turkey after it agreed to halt its attack on America's former Kurdish allies in northeastern Syria, shortly after his special envoy to Syria told Congress Turkey's incursion was a "tragedy" and that Ankara-backed forces are likely behind several war crimes.




sanction: 制裁

Kurdish: 库尔德人的

envoy: 使者,使节

incursion: 俄然侵略,突击

Ankara: 安卡拉(土耳其首都)



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: