托福口语 TASK2 题型要害打分标准汇总介绍

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托福独立口语尽管有两道标题,但这两道题的需求其实是有必定差异的,考生需要晓得的细节以及答复思路也有很大不一样。下面就由修改来为我们汇总介绍托福口语 TASK2 的各类信息,协助我们答复好这道标题。

托福口语 TASK2 题型解析

新托福口语的 task 2 以日子类论题为主,是归于托福口语考题中较为简略的一种。这个 task 的标题并不触及到阅览和听力短文,学生只需答复听到的疑问即可,从题型上来看,比照接近 task 1。学生会有 15 秒的预备时刻和 45 秒的答复时刻。可是,和 task 1 不一样的是,这道考题并不是单纯的就一个论题进行论说,而是给出两种观念,考生就这两种观念宣告自个的观点,而且一般需要给出自个的倾向。在论说的进程中,考生能否给出具有说服力的理由是得分的要害。其实这有些的考题非常类似于雅思高文文 task 2 的考题的出题方法,而且在答复思路上也对错常附近的。

晓得托福口语 TASK2 论题常用词句型

托福 task2 尽管仍然归于日子类论题,但论题的掩盖面仍是恰当广的。常见的有:媒体类、教育类、环境类、笼统类、作业类、休闲文娱类、日子类、地址类等。所以,咱们在温习时首要要晓得这些论题之下的常用词和和句型。这些都是口语表述的基础,没有词句,就是有在好的主意也无法用英语有用的表达理解。比方在谈论教育类考题时,常用的动词和动词词组有:evaluate, standardize, judge, benefit, work efficiently, design, compare, eliminate 等,而常用的名词及词组有:performance, standardized tests, criteria, goal, score, admission, basis, evaluation, standardized scale, educational system, supervisor 等。在表述的进程中,最为重要的就是动词和名词,这些都是语句构成的重要元素。

应对托福口语 TASK2 常用规划实例介绍


Some people like to watch the news on television. Other people prefer to read the news in a newspaper. Still others use their computers to get the news. How do you prefer to be informed about the news and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

首要,咱们可以运用一些典型的让步信号词,如:although, though, despite, in spite of, admittedly, it is true that 等来提示让步。接着,给出让步内容。如咱们想要表述的观念是:prefer to get news on TV and on computer,那么咱们需要先论说的是自个不附和的这个观念,即:read news in a newspaper。首要可以给出从报纸新闻的利益来作为一个让步内容,如:contain some information that ’ s limited to local interests 等。随后即可转而论说报纸新闻的缺乏之处,如:take long to produce, stories could have changed, important news could have happened minutes after the newspaper is delivered 等。可供接出缺乏之处的常用规划有:the problem associated with … is that … , the problem with … is that … , the disadvantages are … , the downside of … is that …等。

有了这一段作为烘托,咱们就可以非常天然的提出自个的观念。即,正是因为以上说到的种种疑问,所以我倾向于另一种观念。要标明自个的观念,也就是告诉考官自个倾向于那种定见,在表述时,可以用 I think it ’ s good to … , I prefer to … , in my opinion … , personally, I think … , on my part … , from my point of view 等,这些信赖我们现已对错常之了解了。随后,正如上文中现已讲到的,给出合理的有说服力的理由对错常重要的,所以在此马上要给出理由,可以用 because, since, as, for, because of, due to, owing to, the reason is that, it is because 等词来接出理由。

比方上面这道题让步结束之后马上就可以给出自个的观念,也就是:prefer to get news on TV and on computer,然后给出理由,如:watch the international news on TV at night for the most current information, click on one of the web sites that offer the most recent updates of the lead stories 等。

最终,为了使答复无缺,可以用一句话来归纳一下自个这段话的中心内容,来作为有用的结束。比方在这道题中,咱们可以说:In order to stay current locally and internationally, I usually take advantage of the best aspects of all the news media.

托福口语 TASK2 打分标准简介

托福口语 TASK2 题型要害打分标准汇总介绍插图

The talk answers the topic question.

The point of view or position is clear.

The talk is direct and well-organized.

The sentences are logically connected.

Details and examples support the main idea.

The speaker expresses complete thoughts.

The meaning is easy to comprehend.

A wide range of vocabulary is used.

There are only minor errors in grammar.

The talk is within a range of 125-150 words.

托福口语考试 task 2 对考生极具应战性的一点是,考生几乎没有深化思考的时刻,在短短的 15 秒钟之后就有必要初步说话。而且整段答复内容有必要对错常具有逻辑性的一个全体,也就是说,有必要在 45 秒钟之内给出一个由头有尾,自个观念清楚,且证明充分的无缺答复。这并不是一朝一夕即可练就,而是需要咱们铢积寸累,有较好的英语基础,而且经过吃苦操练来成的,所以咱们在预备托福考试的时分,必定要深信:Practice makes perfect.

以上就是托福口语 TASK2 的各类信息技巧汇总介绍,你都学到了吗 ?

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: