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What day is today今天星期几

1、 宝宝过得有点迷迷糊糊,他不知道今天是星期几。他问同桌:

今天星期几?What day is today?

The baby is a little dazed. He doesn’t know what day it is today. He asked the same table:

What day is it today? What day is today?

2、 爸爸答应周末带你去游乐场,你盼着日子快点过,你问:

今天是星期几?What day is today?

Father promised to take you to the playground on the weekend, you look forward to the day, you ask:

What day is today? What day is today?

3、 妈妈出差了,说下星期三回来,你问爸爸:

今天是星期几?What day is today?

Mom is on a business trip, and when you come back next Wednesday, you ask dad:

What day is today? What day is today?

4、 芳芳要参加星期五的全市会考,爷爷知道了,他问芳芳:

今天星期几?What day is today?

Fangfang is going to attend the citywide exam on Friday, grandpa knows, he asked fangfang:

What day is it today? What day is today?


5、 早上起床了,爸爸问你:

今天星期几了?What day is today?

When I got up in the morning, my father asked you:

What day is it today? What day is today?

6、 妈妈说她下周四有个会议不能回家跟你们吃晚饭,你忙问:

今天星期几?What day is today?

Mother said that she had a meeting next Thursday to have dinner with you. You asked:

What day is it today? What day is today?

7、 每个周二下午是班会时间,老师又在提醒同学们了。他说:

今天星期几?What day is today?

Every Tuesday afternoon is the class meeting time, and the teacher is reminding the students again. He said:

What day is it today? What day is today?

Today is Sunday今天是星期天

8 、妈妈提醒了干吗还不起床,你想多赖一会儿,还找了个好理由,你说:

今天是星期天。Today is Sunday.

Why don’t you get up? You want to stay a little longer and find a good reason. You say:

It’s Sunday today. Today is Sunday.

9 、星期一的清早,对全家人来讲,都是最忙的,妈妈说:

今天是星期一Its Monday today.

Early in the morning, on Monday morning, it was the busiest time for the whole family.

It’s Monday today.


10、 星期二爸爸中午加班不能回家吃饭。临走时,他提醒妈妈说:

今天是星期二。Today is Tuesday.

On Tuesday, dad couldn’t go home for lunch at noon. When he left, he reminded his mother,

Today is Tuesday. Today is Tuesday.

11、 妈妈提醒你星期三去上美术辅导班,她说:

今天是星期三。Its Wednesday.

Mom reminded you to go to the art class on Wednesday. She said:

Today is Wednesday. It ‘s Wednesday.

12、 你只知道今天是十五号,忘了星期几了,爸爸说:

今天星期四。Today is Thursday.

You only know that today is the fifteenth, and forget the week.

It’s Thursday. Today is Thursday.

13、 周末老师总留很多作业,老师又来了,他说:

今天是星期五了。Its Friday today.


The teacher kept a lot of homework during the weekend. The teacher came again and said:

It’s Friday. It ‘s Friday today.

14、 今天是个好日子,你可以睡懒觉,也可以去外面疯玩,你说:

今天星期六。Today is Saturday.

It’s a great day. You can sleep in, or you can go out and play. You say:

It’s Saturday. Today is Saturday.

15、 快乐的周末过去了,星期一的早上你真不愿起床,你说:

又是星期一。Its Monday again.

The happy weekend is over. You don’t want to get up on Monday morning. You say:

It’s Monday again. It ‘s Monday again.


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