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Research significance

The importance of English reading ability is not to be played in the current society! It is very important to master English reading skills. Do group of books in the reading, acquiring language knowledge, in the autonomous learning, access to information in all its aspects, not only can expand students’ knowledge, can also help students set up confidence of learning English well also, more important is reading and listening, writing, said that the ability of the increase of the intimate contact, the improvement of reading ability can improve to send three ability (Hu Chun hole, 1997). Primary school is an important stage of reading teaching. In specific research, scholars have found that a grade school students reading ability is low, in his later in the process of learning, reading ability will continue to lower, and the same grade students’ reading ability is out of normal, and there will never become fluent readers potential (Liang Jinmei, 2011). At present, the domestic of basic English teaching tend to focus on skills training, neglect to cultivate elementary student’s English reading, can read, this often leads to the late students’ reading ability level is not high, this needs to advance in their initial teaching stage infiltration (edmond lee embroidery, 2007). After many years of teaching of comprehension, the author thinks that students contact English in time, space, etc are subject to the restrictions and result in their English reading ability is low, this is a common phenomenon. For exam, some students only know the father meaning of the word itself, and the sentences that make up the words are not clearly explained. With the rights of the high grade, the students read the length of the extended gradually, the gradual improvement of the reading requirements, students in the reading obstacles more and more, in large part because Shanghai day to the students’ reading interest. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out the study of primary school English reading teaching mode, which can improve the comprehensive quality of primary school students. In addition, the study of primary school English reading teaching pattern is also the primary school English teaching in the future development direction, in this direction under the guidance of domestic students English reading ability will be significantly raised. ……

在线英语学习的研究 研究意义 英语阅读能力的重要性在当前社会已不可小戯!,掌握英语阅读技巧至关重要。在阅读中包揽群书,获取语言知识,在自主学习中,获取方方面面的信息资料,不仅可以扩大学生的知识面,还可帮助学生树立起学好英语的自信也,更为重要的是阅读与听、写、说这兰种能力的提高有着密不可分的联系,阅读能力的提高能促进送三种能力的提高(胡春洞,1997)。小学阶段是阅读教学的重要阶段。在专项研究中,有学者发现一年级入学时阅读能力就低下的学生,在他以后的学习过程中,阅读能力还将继续走低,与同年级学生正常的阅读能力不成正比,并且存在永远不能成为流畅阅读者的潜在隐患(梁金梅,2011)。目前,国内的英语基础教学往往侧重听说技能的培养,忽视培养小学生的英语阅,读能为,这一点往往导致后期学生阅读能力水平不高,这就需要在启蒙教学阶段就进行提前渗透(李锦绣,2007)。经过多年教学感悟,笔者认为小学生接触英语在时间上、空间上等等方面都受到了诸多限制,导致他们的英语阅读能力偏低,这已经是个普遍现象。比如,一些学生只知道单词本身的爸义,对于单词组成的句子,句子连成的短文却不清楚讲了些化么。随着年级的増高,学生阅读篇幅的逐渐加长,阅读要求的逐步提高,学生们在阅读中遇到的障碍也越来越多,这在很大程度上影晌到了学生们的阅读兴趣。因此,非常有必要开展小学英语阅读教学模式的研究,它能提高小学生的综合素养。此外,对小学英语阅读教学模式的研究也是今后小学英语教学发展的大方向,在这个方向的指引下,国内小学生英语阅读能力定将显著増强。 …… 想知道更多在线英语学习的研究的后续内容可以查看下一期的。或者登陆阿卡索外教网官网https://里面有更多更全的信息

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