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  Good morning. 早上好。

  Good afternoon. 下午好。

  Hello, everyone!大家好!

  Glad to meet(see) you. 很高兴见到你。

  How are you? 你好吗?

  I am fine,thank you. 谢谢,我很好。

  Come in please. 请进。

  How do you do? 你好!

  I miss you . 我很想你。

  Did you have a good sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗?

  Did you have a good time on your weekend? 周末过得好吗?

  Are you fine? 你还好吧?

  You don't look well. 你看起来不太好。

  How old are you? I am (four).你几岁了?我(4)岁。

  What is your name? My name is …….你叫什么名字?我叫xxx。

  See you tomorrow. 明天见。

  See you next week.下周见。


  It's time for breakfast. 现在是早餐时间。

  Are you hungry? 你们饿了吗?

  Please sit down at the table. (Please sit by the table.) 请坐到餐桌旁。

  Wash your hands please. 请大家去洗手吧。

  Then, dry your hands with the towel. 然后呢,用毛巾擦干手。

  Take your time. 慢慢吃。

  Please wash your hands before you eat. 吃东西前请洗手。

  Today, we have milk and bread for our breakfast. 今天的早餐是牛奶和面包。

  Do you want more? 还想要一点吗?

  The dishes smell good. 菜闻着真香。

  Boys and girls, lunchtime. 孩子们,吃午饭了。

  Vegetable is good for our health. 蔬菜对身体有好处。

  Who wants more rice? 谁还要米饭?

  Please try to finish everything/things in your bowls. 请尽量把碗里的饭菜吃完。

  Please have some more. 再吃一点。

  Is it tasty? 好吃吗?

  Are you full? 你吃饱了吗?

  Are you thirsty? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 你渴吗?是的,我渴。 / 不,我不王叔就是拽渴。

  I like fish / beef / lamb. 我喜欢鱼肉 / 牛肉 / 羊肉。

  That is delicious apple / banana / orange.美味的苹果 / 香蕉 / 橙子。

  Have some water / tea / milk. 喝一些水 / 茶 / 牛奶。

  Help yourself. 别客气。

  What’s for lunch / breakfast / supper?中午 / 早晨 / 晚上吃什么?

  Brush your teeth.刷牙。

  Wash your face. 洗脸。

  Show me your nose .给我看看你的鼻子。

  I am hungry. 我饿了。

  I am full.我吃饱了。

  Have an apple. 吃一个苹果。

  I have done my hands.我洗过手了。

  I’m the helper. 我是值日生。

  I want more rice / vegetable. 我还要米饭 / 菜。

  I spilled my soup. 我把汤撒了。

  There is no tissue paper. 没有餐巾纸了。

  I want to go to the toilet. 我想上厕所。

  Can I go to toilet? 我能上厕所吗?

  What kind of juice?什么果汁?

  I like orange-juice. 我喜欢桔子汁。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: