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1. My parents’ ___ had a big effect on me.我父母离婚给我带来了很英语基础培训大影响。

2. The harmful effects of modern farming ___ should not 英语基础培训 be ignored.现代农耕方式的不良后果不应被忽视。

3. The long-term effects of the drug led to 英语基础培训 his health from bad to ___.毒品的长期影响使他的健康状况每况愈下。

4. I could feel the effects of the 英语基础培训 ___ mountain air.我能感觉到山上稀薄空气的影响。

5. This ___ also has the effect of making your skin look 英语基础培训 younger.这种成分还有使皮肤看上去更年轻的效果。

6. A system ___ has a knock-on effect throughout the 英语基础培训 whole hotel.系统

7. The ___ effect of human activities on the global environment is spreading.人类活动对全英语基础培训球环境日积月累的影响正在扩大。

8. A much lower dose of the ___ can still produce the desired 英语基础培训 effect.大量减少该止痛药的服用剂量仍然能产生预期的效果。

9. In mental 英语基础培训 illness, there is a complex relationship between ___ and effect.英语基础培训精神疾病有复杂的因果关系。

10. It won’t be easy to 英语基础培训 ___ the changes into effect.落实这些变革不会是件容易的事。

11. The morphine was starting to take effect and the pain ___.吗啡开始起英语基础培训作用,疼痛减轻了英语基础培训。

12. Hoskins was ___ 英语基础培训 manager, with immediate 英语基础培训 effect.霍斯金斯被任命为经理,此任英语基础培训命立即生效。

13英语基础培训. In ___, we’ll be earning 英语基础培训 less than we were last year.实际上,我们挣钱会比去年少英语基础培训。

14. We tried to 英语基础培训 wake him, but _英语基础培训__ no effect.我们想把他叫醒,但没有用英语基础培训。

15. Jim told me to 英语基础培训 go away, or words to ___ 英语基础培训 effect.吉姆叫我走开,或者说英语基础培训了类似的话。

16. The letter said something to the 英语基础培训 effect that she was no longer ___.信中表达的大意是,不再需要她英语基础培训了。

17. Turner’s paintings ___ an effect of light.特纳英语基础培训的画表现出光的效果。

18. She paused for 英语基础培训 effect, then ___ on speaking.她略微停顿以吸引大英语基础培训家注意,然后继英语基础培训续演讲。

19. Don’s few personal ___ were in a suitcase under the 英语基础培训 bed.唐的几件个人物品在床下的手提箱里。

20. The people in this area are still suffering from 英语基础培训 the effects of the ___.该地区人民仍在遭受饥荒。

21. The treatment had ___ or no 英语基础培训 effect.治疗几乎没起什么作用。

22. Many parents lack confidence in their ability to ___ change in their children’s 英语基础培训 behavior.许多父母对自己是否有能力改变子女的行为缺乏信心。

23. 英语基础培训 The full effects of the new tax have not yet been ___.还未感受到新税的全面影响。

24. They are feeling the crippling effect of ___ on 英语基础培训 the economy他们正感受到制裁对经济产生的毁灭性后果。

25. He didn’t seem to have suffered any ___ effects from his fall.他跌的那一跤好像英语基础培训并没有给他造成什么不良后果。

26. We had 英语基础培训 problems with mosquitoes, but this spray had the ___英语基础培训 effect.我们这儿有蚊子侵扰,幸好这种英语基础培训喷剂效果很理想。

27. Giving up smoking had a 英语基础培训 magic effect on his ___.戒烟神奇地增强了他的体力。

28.英语基础培训 Any delay in ___ of materials will have a knock-on effect throughout the production process.耽误生产材料的运送会对整个生产过程产生连锁影响。

29. The deterrent effect of the death ___ has long been questioned.死英语基础培训刑的威慑作用长期以来受到质疑。

30. Heavy taxation 英语基础培训 has a ___ effect.重税会产生打击积极性的影响。

31. Polices should be established 英语基础培训 to reduce ___ of gases which cause the greenhouse effect.应该制定各种政策来降低引起温室效应的气体排放。

32. The drug ___ a powerful 英语基础培训 effect on the brain.这药对大脑影响很大。

33. The medicine started 英语基础培训 to ___ effect after a few minutes.几分钟后药物开始见效。

34. Women feel the effect 英语基础培训 of ___ more quickly than men.女性比男性更快地感觉到酒精的作用。

35. In spite of the pandemic 英语基础培训 COVID-19, they 英语基础培训 try to ___ the unfavorable effects of market change.尽管受到新冠疫情的影响,他们努力将市场变化带来的不利影响英语基础培训降低到最小。

36. That is precisely the effect 英语基础培训 I was ___ at.这正是我想要达到的效果。

37. How soon will the 英语基础培训 effects of the drug ___ off?药效多久会消英语基础培训失?

38. The border ___ 英语基础培训 meant, in 英语基础培训 effect, that 英语基础培训 no trade took place between the countries.边境关闭实际上意味着两国间不再有贸易往来。

39. She has a lot of ___英语基础培训 which she uses for good effect in interviews.她非常自信,在在被采访时经常以此来取得英语基础培训良好的效果。

40. The ___ struck the country again 英语基础培训 with devastating effect.瘟疫再次给这个国家带来灾难性的后果。

41. The dry weather had an ___ effect 英语基础培训 on the potato crops.天气干燥对土豆生长不利。

42. Key historical concepts 英语基础培训 such as cause and effect can also be used to analyze the phenomenon of economic ___.像原因和结果这种关键性的历史概念也可以用来分析经济全球化的现象。

43. The 英语基础培训 air-___ came on, to little 英语基础培训 effect.空调开了,可没什么效英语基础培训果。

44. The new ___英语基础培训 come into effect next month.新法规下个月开始生效。

45. The recommendations 英语基础培训 will soon be put into ___.建议将很快付诸实施。

46. Some laws from the eighteenth century are still _英语基础培训__ effect today.十八世纪的一些法律今天仍然有效。

47. The bank 英语基础培训 has ___ interest rates with immediate effect.银行降低利率,即英语基础培训时生效。

48. I found that by adding white I could ___ the desired 英语基础培训 effect.我发现添加白色可以达到理想的效果。

49. The ___ effect of the painting 英语基础培训 is overwhelming.这幅画的整体效果棒极了。

50. The stage lighting gives the effect of a ___ scene.舞台英语基础培训灯光产生月夜景色的效果。

51. The dramatic effect was ___ by 英语基础培训 her black dress and dead white face.她黑色的裙子和煞白的脸加强了喜剧效果。

52. 英语基础培训 ‘You know why I’m here?’ Doug 英语基础培训 paused for ___ effect.“你知道我为什么来这里吗?”道格停英语基础培训顿了一下,已达到最英语基础培训佳效果。

53. She used animals sounds to ___ startling effect in her music.她在音乐英语基础培训里运用动物的声音以产生惊人的效果。

54. We find ___ on TV very 英语基础培训 effective.我们发现在电视上做广告很有用。

55. This method is ___ enough with 英语基础培训 greenfly.这种方法足以对付蚜虫。

56. Sneezes are devastatingly 英语基础培训 effective at ___ infection.打喷嚏极易传染疾病。

57. What makes a TV 英语基础培训 program ___ effective? 什么能使一个电英语基础培训视节目产生政治效应?

58. This kind of grass is effective at ___ out the wind 英语基础培训 and sand.这种草可以有效阻挡风沙。

59. Strong 英语基础培训 regular physical exercise is effective in helping people to ___ smoking.经常高强度的体育锻炼可以有效帮助人们戒烟。

60. These 英语基础培训 treaty ___ will be directly effective.这些条约条款将直接生效。

61. 英语基础培训 The hard-___ material combines cost effectiveness with quality.这种耐磨材料成本效益佳、质量高。

62. The exam results demonstrated the ___ of personal 英语基础培训 tuition.考试结果证明了在私人教师的指导下学习的效用。

63. The drugs work well at first but gradually ___ their effectiveness.这些药的效果起初非常好英语基础培训,但后英语基础培训来逐渐失效。

64. They’re doing tests to evaluate the effectiveness of this herb as an ___.他们正通过实验来评估这种草药作为杀菌英语基础培训剂的有效性。

65. The effectiveness of penicillin in controlling ___ infection had been proved long before.青霉素在控制细菌感染方面的效英语基础培训用早已得到证明。

66. They’re making some efforts 英语基础培训 to achieve greater ___ in the production process.他们正在努力在生产过程中达到更高效率。

67. New ___ procedures had 英语基础培训 been introduced as part of an efficiency drive.已引入新的时间控制方法作为提高效率举措的一部分。

68. 英语基础培训 We’ve seen the efficiency ___ resulting from improved technology.我们已经看到改善技术带来的效率提高。

69. The 英语基础培训 uprising was put down with ___ efficiency.起义被无情地迅速镇压下去了。

70. The procedure is not 英语基础培训 ___ efficient: improvement could be made.这种方法并未达到最高效率,还可英语基础培训以改进。

71. We already have 英语基础培训 a perfectly ___ system – why change it?我们已经有了最高效英语基础培训率的系统 – 为什么要改变?

72. The receptionist was 英语基础培训 ___ efficient.这个接待员很干练。

73. A ___ efficient manservant brought them 英语基础培训 coffee and brandy.一个不张扬而干练的男仆给他们端来了咖啡和白兰地。

74. His secretary was formidably efficient: her ___ were 英语基础培训 works of art.他的秘书效率奇高,她的会英语基础培训议记录简直像艺术品。

75. Their equipment was not as 英语基础培训 efficient at finding gold as today’s ___.在探寻金矿方面,他英语基础培训们的机器不如现在的机器高效。

76. The 英语基础培训 heating system is very efficient in its use of ___.供暖系统能高效节省燃料。

77. The cheaper drugs are just as effective in ___ arthritis.较便宜英语基础培训的药品对治疗关节炎同样有效。

78. Training is often 英语基础培训 much less effective than ___.训练的效果往往远低于预期。

79. Building metro is the most effective way of reducing 英语基础培训 inner city ___.建造地铁是减少旧城区交通拥挤最有效的办法。

80. Children 英语基础培训 have to learn to communicate ___.小孩子应该学会有效地沟通。

81. 英语基础培训 Effectively, it has become ___ for us to 英语基础培训 help事实上,我们已不可能帮英语基础培训忙了。

82. Most of the urban poor are effectively ___ from politics.城市里的大部分穷人英语基础培训实际上都没法参与政治。

83. The company 英语基础培训 is taking ___ to improve efficiency and reduce costs.公司正在采取措施提高效率,降低英语基础培训成本。

84. In a search for greater 英语基础培训 efficiency, the two 英语基础培训 departments have ___.为了寻求高效,两个部门合英语基础培训并了。

85. The boat’s design helps it to ___ with maximum efficiency.这船的设计有助其以最大效率行英语基础培训驶。

86. Better fuel efficiency can be ___ by driving 英语基础培训 more slowly.缓慢驾驶可以提高燃油效率。

87. Energy efficiency 英语基础培训 can play a huge role in ___ pollution.能源效率可以在减少污染方面发挥巨大作用。

88. New technology introduced by the company has ___ 英语基础培训 efficiency gains.公司推行的新技术提高了效率。

89. Lighting is 英语基础培训 now more energy ___.如今的照明设备更加节能。

90. Changes in 英语基础培训 technology have had a massive ___ on the way we work.科技变革对我们的工作方式产生了巨大影响。

91. Clean energy has been used to reduce the 英语基础培训 environmental impact of ___ activity.清洁能源已被用来减少工业活动对环境产生的影响。

92. American television has had a big influence on ___ culture in the west.美英语基础培训国电视对西方流行文化产生了很大影响。

93. His ideas had a lot of ___ at the time.英语基础培训他的观点在当时有很大影响。

94. Common ___ effects of the drug may include 英语基础培训 headaches and muscle pains.这种药的常见副作用可能包括头痛和肌肉疼痛。

95. A traumatic experience can have severe psychological ___-英语基础培训effects.痛苦的经历可能造成严重的心理后遗症。

96. The ___ could have serious 英语基础培训 repercussions for her career.这桩丑闻可能会对她的事业造成严重影响。

97. The judge’s decision is likely to have important ___ for future cases of this kind.法官的裁决可能会对今英语基础培训后此类案件的判决产生重要影响。

98. Higher oil prices have a ___-on effect on other fuels.油价上涨对其他燃料产生连锁反英语基础培训应。

99. Businesses all over the world must attempt 英语基础培训 to reduce their environmental ___.全球企业都必须努力减少环境足!。

100. The house has a low ___ footprint.这幢房屋的碳足英语基础培训迹很低。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]英语基础培训. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 英语基础培训 2014


1 divorce 2 practices 3 worse 4 thin 5 ingredient 6 failure 7 cumulative 8 painkiller 9 cause 10 put 11 eased 12 appointed 13 effect 14 to 15 that 16 needed 17 give 18 carried 19 effects
20 famine 21 little 22 effect 23 felt 24 sanctions 25 ill 26 desired 27 stamina 28 delivery 29 penalty 30 disincentive 31 emissions 32 exerts 33 take 34 alcohol 35 minimize 36 aiming 37 wear 38 closure 39 confidence 40 plague 41 adverse 42 globalization 43 conditioning 44 regulations 45 英语基础培训 effect 46 in 47 cut 48 achieve 49 overall 50 moonlit 51 heightened 52 maximum 53 create 54 advertising 55 effective 56 spreading 57 politically 58 keeping 59 stop 60 provisions 61 wearing 62 effectiveness 63 lose 64 antiseptic 65 bacterial 66 efficiency 67 timekeeping 68 gains 69 ruthless 70 fully 71 efficient 72 briskly 73 quietly 74 minutes 75 machinery 76 fuel 77 treating 78 expected 79 congestion 80 effectively 81 impossible 82 excluded 83 steps 84 merged 85 move 86 achieved 87 reducing 88 brought 89 efficient 90 impact 91 industrial
92 popular 93 influence 94 side 95 after 96 scandal 97 repercussions 98 knock 99 footprint 100 carbon

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